The mainstream media and for example the Wikipedia (both the english and the hungarian) telling lies about us. They state, that we committed violence againist civilians, and present as fact the Romanian concepcion trial in which our Transylvanian members were unlawfully sentenced to prison. So how can you truly understand who we are? We will explain below:
The Sixty-Four Counties Youth Movement (Hatvannégy Vármegye Ifjúsági Mozgalom (HVIM)) was founded in 2001, based on right-wing values. HVIM aims to confront with the modern world by upholding real, timeless, traditional and Christian values. In a rapidly changing world, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. That's why the HVIM is committed to upholding the principles that have stood the test of time. The main goal is to resurrect the faith and pride of the Hungarian nation, which has been tormented many times throughout history, and to whip up the warrior mentality and fighting spirit of the Hungarian youth in the Carpathian Basin. The mission of HVIM is to educate a sacrificial, determined youth capable of creative action for their country. Our motto is “faith, loyalty, courage”, which serves as a lifelong and pervasive guideline for all members. HVIM is an indestructible and inseparable companion-in-arms that is organized not around momentary power interests but around eternal truths. It is the only organization that is convinced anti-democratic, both internally and socio-politically.
Today, one of our biggest front line is the fight against the LGBTQ-lobby, which is on its way to destroy families, and the future of our children.
Our mission is clear: to defend the sanctity of traditional family values and safeguard the cultural heritage against modern threats. While we embrace diversity of thought and belief, we stand resolutely against movements that seek to undermine traditional values. We firmly oppose any efforts to redefine the sacred institution of marriage or erode traditional family structures. HVIM is unwavering in its stance against ideologies that challenge our core principles.
We sympathize with several metaphysical thinkers, including Imre Tibor Baranyi and Róbert Horváth who are world-class eminent thinkers. It is also important to address metaphysical issues, so members spend special time listening to various lectures and reading high-ranking books. We have been publishing a periodical magazine for four years now, Duo Gladii, completely edited by ourselves, which is a unique and comprehensive literature at a European level as well. We can say it is a real spiritual food for everyone geopolitically, socially, and religiously, which also reflects the movement’s commitment to metaphysics.
Of course, HVIM is also active on YouTube. The Mi Magunk (Ourselves) YouTube channel actively produces videos in every content. Our movement runs several series, from geopolitics to current political debates to religious inquiries. They offer a diverse array of content that breaks free from the mainstream echo chamber.
One of the leaders of our movement established the “Farkasok Hagyományőrző és Ifjúságképző Csoport” (Wolves Heritage and Youth Formation) in 2011, which also deals with youth education, but in rather "military" form. It is a community created exclusively for men. They learn discipline, good manners, perseverance and honor. We try to reduce the ego of people who cannot work and think as a team. Individuality is important, the team is made up of a set of individual added values. The only “filter” is the successful completion of physical assessors and meaningful, intelligent and community behavior. Candidates can acquire basic knowledge of defense, love of nature, self-knowledge, martial arts as well as military tradition, all in a comrade community. Last year, too, the "Hiúzok" training had been launched for ladies, with less emphasis on fighting, more on surviving. Applicant girls can learn the mysteries of survival together while gaining both physical and mental fitness.